Hi, everyone, Scott Munden here from Huntleigh Group.

Welcome to part two in our eight part series of shorts on active listening in.

In part one, we covered full attention. Part two is nonverbal cues.

If you recall in part one, we discussed body language, which is part of the nonverbal cues that you’re going to give.

But I want to break part two, the nonverbal cues, into two pieces.

  • One are the outward things that you do to demonstrate that you’re listening, nodding, smiling, having an open body posture.
  • But the flip side of that coin is that those things will actually help you engage, in other words, subconsciously, by doing those things, it’s helping you tune in better, because that’s really the point.

It’s not so much to demonstrate that you’re listening, it’s to actually listen.

These things take practice because if you do them mechanically, then you’re going to be thinking about how your body posture looks or if you’re nodding versus just actually them becoming second nature and ways to help you tune in.

So I encourage you to practice until those just become like muscle memory for you. Anyways, that’s a brief view of nonverbal cues.

Thanks for tuning in. We’ll see you later.