Build a Culture of Resilience – Training and Awareness
Why Culture Is the Foundation of Resilience Resilience isn’t just about tools, technologies, policies, and procedure—it most significantly concerns people, who manage all of these other elements. They are your first line of defense. Empower your team to be active...
Automate and Monitor – Early Detection and Incident Response
Why Automation and Monitoring Are Critical to Resilience Cybersecurity threats are relentless: an estimated 4,000 successful attacks occurring every day, or one every 22 seconds. And, they are spawning faster than manual processes are able to keep up. In today’s...
The Urgent Importance of Layered Protection in Building Resilience
In today’s threat-filled landscape, a single point of failure may well lead to devastating consequences. Whether it is a ransomware attack, a phishing scam, or an insider threat, no organization is immune today. The harsh reality is that your future is one of being...
Anticipate Disruptions – Risk Assessment and Scenario Planning
Anticipating Disruptions: The Key to Staying Ahead in an Uncertain World In today’s fast-paced, interconnected world, disruptions aren’t just a possibility—they’re a virtual certainty. Whether it’s a cyberattack, a natural disaster, or a sudden supply chain failure,...
Why Aligning Business and Technology is the Foundation of Resilience
As we begin our deep dive into the resilience-first strategy, it’s essential to start with aligning business and technology. In today’s digital landscape, the pace of technological change is relentless. This evolution means that technology is deeply embedded in nearly...
Building Cyber Resilience
In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, resilience has become a core business priority. No industry is immune to disruptions, as you will see below, whether from cyber threats or operational breakdowns. This post focuses on practical strategies to build...
Embedding Cybersecurity into Business Strategy
Cybersecurity is Business Strategy If you still view cybersecurity as an IT issue, you’re missing the bigger picture. Cybersecurity is a business issue—it affects every aspect of your company, from operations to reputation, to customer trust. In fact, the smartest...
Business Impact Analysis: The Essential Blueprint for Cybersecurity Resilience
Assume breach! Whether cyber, or natural disasters, or whatever the cause: it is a when occurrence, not an if occurrence. More importantly: what steps have you taken to contain the blast radius? An excellent first step is to conduct a Business Impact Analysis (BIA),...