Hi everyone, Scott Munden here from Huntleigh Technology Group.

Welcome to this segment of our cybersecurity series.

In the last segment, we talked about incident response plans, specifically tabletop exercises. So I wanted to take some time and step back a little bit and look at all of the key elements of your overall information security policy.

I’ll break that into four segments just so we can keep it as brief as possible. So I’ll cover three key elements in each of those segments. Let’s go ahead and get started.

  • So first is the purpose and scope, which is kind of defining the why and the what of the boundaries of your policy.
  • The second element is data classification, and this is where you’re setting guidelines for classifying the data based on its sensitivity, value, and criticality.
  • The third key element is roles and responsibilities. And this is where you’re probably going to want to create a racy matrix to clearly define who’s responsible for what in the organization, up to and including the enforcement of the policy.

To recap, we’ve covered three key elements of your information security policy, purpose and scope, data classification, roles and responsibility.

We think that if you really get this right, your information security policy it will serve as a foundation that can actually accelerate getting the other building blocks in place that serve to create a solid cyber resiliency plan.

So as I mentioned, in our next segments, we’re going to cover the other nine key elements of your information security policy. Huntleigh.com, we’ve got our video blog, we’ve got the blog, and we post information out here regularly, so please take advantage.

And I’ll look forward to presenting our other nine key elements in our future segments. Thanks for your time.